The sceptics.
Every hot new product has them, from the latest fat loss pill, to the hot off the press new tablet.
The sceptics are on one side of the chasm, the early adopters and experienced professionals perhaps on the other.
Which leads nicely onto –
If you’re a car enthusiast and you haven’t heard about Terraclean, the chances are you soon will, and if you’re sceptic about Terraclean or perhaps looking for something that can offer you better performance and efficiency then this Terraclean blog is for you.
The British public love their automobiles, from the loyal Top Gear followers, to the car aficionados, so when a new “fabo” product hits the market, which promises all the bells and whistles, it’s natural to be sceptical… right?
I’ve seen the good, the bad and the ugly and I’m not one to be easily swayed… so intrigued by all the Terraclean hype I decided to put this product to the test, through our own very own Terraclean boot camp – to establish the cold facts.
So first up:
To use an analogy:
If you’re a Saturday take your car to the carwash type of guy, or a Sunday before dinner, wash, wax and car polish connoisseur, you’ll understand that irrespective of age – all vehicles require a good clean and every now and again, a professional onceover to maintain their bodywork lustre.
Terraclean is on the flip side of that coin, advertised to offer you all that and more but… for your car engine.
I’m an advocate of new technology, but with so much fluff and hype out there… only if it works.
So always the sceptic – without further ado lets get into the results of our Terraclean boot camp.
In simple terms, what Terraclean accomplishes is to give your entire fuel system a well-deserved “wax on, wax off ” spring clean, by knuckling down on decarbonising your car’s fuel system, together with the oxygen sensor and the catalytic converter.
So Terraclean really is an advanced decarbonising solution for your car – ok but why all the hype?
Right now, in this economy with fuel prices rocketing, money in your pocket is king.
Whether you want to restore your car’s efficiency or you want to maximise its performance, one treatment of Terraclean can save you digging deep into your pockets long term.
Through our Terraclean boot camp, we tested and measured a notable increase in vehicle performance, so much so that if your car is slightly older in age, there’s a good chance it will feel like you’ve rolled back the years to when your had that responsive edge.
For the ever-conscious (and growing) eco car tribe out there, across all vehicles tested there was also a notable reduction in harmful emissions – which in turn will help Terraclean users to do their bit for the environment.
“Quite simply, Terraclean works”
Hand over fist, conscious car owners nationwide have been attracted to the Terraclean technology, with some vehicle owners travelling lengthy distances to have Terraclean treatments.
Although prices may vary, what’s crucially important is to make sure that your car is serviced by a registered Terraclean specialist, because believe you me – this is not something you want to get wrong, and I warn you now, Terraclean treatments do require an expert.
With all of the above is seems like a home run for Terraclean… but perhaps not, everything has it flaws.
Although Terraclean responded exceptionally well with slightly older, higher compression, multi- valve, petrol and diesel, and direct injection engines, we found that with newer vehicles the increase in performance was negligible.
In the know
Sorry to get slightly technical, but to help you understand this better; when Terraclean is applied, carbon deposits are removed from the entire fuel system, including the oxygen sensors.
Terraclean uses advanced chemistry to decarbonise the engine system from harsh additives. The chemicals used in Terraclean are safe for the user, the vehicle, as well as the environment, and is totally different from treatments where detergents and other solvents are used to clean cars, which emit emission after the cleaning services.
So naturally then, newer or lower mileage cars will have less carbon deposits on their elements, less carbon additives to remove, hence the measured upturn in performance (understandably so), will only be slight.
Perhaps this is a possible Terraclean thumbs down for newer, lower mileage cars. But irrespective… the Terraclean technology does what it says on the tin, and is the only decarbonising treatment of its kind that unassumingly works.
I don’t know a great deal about Canada, I know the Olympics have been hosted there and that it’s a beautiful country. But what I do know is that Terraclean was born out of a result of fierce competition between companies to develop decarbonising products formulated from existing technologies.
Terraclean was a scientific accident, a breakthrough that was unintentionally discovered, as a result of a committed crew of environmentally responsible Canadian physicists who were attempting to create a very low emission combustion engine of which the birth child is – Terraclean. Since then the Terraclean technology has evolved to become the best decarbonising solution for car engines – the rest, as they say is history.
Sceptic or not, Terraclean is no fad.
And, the hype? Well… it’s deserved.
So if you want something special, reasonably priced, to save you money on fuel, and importantly something that actually works for your car and the environment, cross the Terraclean chasm and get in touch, we’d love to help.
To health and vehicle happiness
It’s road trip time!
Sun tan lotion? Check.
Mills and Boon? Check.
Strawberries and cream? Check.
Cooler? Check. The kids? Check.
So you’re all ready to roll out for your summer road trip…
Then you hear the voice in the background…“Darling have you checked the car?”
Question. Before you hit the road, are you up to date with your summer vehicle maintenance?
It’s ok I get it… vehicle auto maintenance is perhaps the last thing on your mind. But trust me, it will hit the top spot pretty damn fast if you end up breaking down at the side of the road.
So to help, here are my top 7 summer vehicle maintenance checks – which I hope once carried out, you’ll be patting yourself on the back for.
Oh… and don’t forget the lemonade.
First up:
1. Tyre Check:
I didn’t want to go there, but traveling during the summer in the UK, can and generally does involve driving in the rain. So its important to ensure that the tread on your tyres is adequate for any rainy weather, we really don’t want you ending up in a ditch.
Checking the tread depth on your tyre’s doesn’t take long, so while you’re at it you may as well check your tyre pressure too.
2. Replace Windshield Wipers:
Have you ever put your windscreen wipers on during a downpour, to realise they are not… doing the job there suppose to? It’s not a good look, and it can most definitely be scary.
The UK has just been through a rather intense winter, so it makes sense to check your windscreen wipers for wear and tear.
Winter weather can be ruthless on your windshield wipers, making them virtually useless during those summer showers. So by having quick vehicle maintenance check, and ideally replacing them at the beginning of the summer it should aid to a little peace of mind.
3. Check Your Headlights:
It’s so easy to be driving, without realising that one of your headlights is out.
Not only is it unsafe, but the police could pull you over and slap you with a ticket, – all of which is unnecessary. So what better time than now, to do a quick vehicle maintenance check,and take a little gander to see if you need to replace a headlight bulb.
4. Inspect Your Brakes:
It goes without saying, but car safety should be your top priority, and what is a car without good brakes?
I always suggest to my customers, that they at least inspect their brakes twice a year just to make sure everything is tiptop. But while you’re at it, why not check your brake fluid also.
5. Car Radiator Flush:
Did you know that the coolant in your radiator doesn’t last forever? In fact unless replenished over time, it can break down and begin to corrode the inside of your radiator. Which would naturally lead to cooling problems and, you got it…radiator repair.
A great, cheap way to prevent this and reduce the cost of vehicle maintenance is by flushing your radiator once a year.
6. Check Your Car Battery:
You may think, that checking the car battery every now and again should be given. But unfortunately, you’d be surprised just how many people fail to do it until it is too late.
During winter months corrosion is very likely to build up. So take some time out to check your battery posts and cables to ensure that you have no starting problems.
7. Replace Your Air Filter:
Last but by no means least; you should really replace your air filter twice a year. It’s a 10-minute job and good check to get it out the way before your summer road trip.
Glass of Pimms Anyone?
Finally… let’s be honest, it’s summer, and at the end of the day who doesn’t like a drop of Pimms or a glass of plonk or two? But if you’re driving – car safety begins and indeed ends with you.
So please don’t do anything silly like drink driving or speeding, it’s really not worth it. But most of all, enjoy your road trips and enjoy the summer, because who knows how long it will last!
If you have the know-how and the tools, perhaps now is good time to look at undertaking some of my 7 top summer vehicle maintenance checks. If not, and you need a little guidance, feel free to get in touch as we’d love to help.
To vehicle health
By Philip Xavier
It may be obvious, but your car tyre’s are the only things keeping your car on the road.
I always suggest to my customers that they tyre check regularly. In fact, most vehicle manuals recommend you tyre check every week, but every 2-4 weeks should be more than adequate. Oh…and while you’re at it don’t forget to tyre check the spare.
Checking Tyre Tread
A top priority is in making sure that you tyre check the treads, so that the depth of the tread is sufficient for your car to be driven in any condition.
If you’ve ever watched Formula One (F1) you may of seen in action, or heard of something called Hydroplaning. It’s basically when the car’s tyre tread has the inability to cut through water to touch the road, causing the car to “float” across the road surface.
Is it dangerous? Yes, and even more so if you haven’t tyre check your car for the correct tyre tread and depth.
Simply… the more tread on your tires, the less likely your car will hydroplane, and the less likely you are to crash or cause an accident, the same principles also applies for driving in the snow.
Tyre Depth
In the UK the minimum legal tyre depth is 1.6mm, which is over ¾ of the central width of the tyre around the whole circumference.
Fortunately most tyre’s, have tyre tread depth indicator blocks to show when your tyre depth is down to 1.6mm limit. If on inspection, you tyre check and you notice that these indicator blocks are level with the depth of your tyre tread, then it’s a sign that you need to replace your tyre’s.
For those of you that have tyre checked and can’t find, or don’t have tyre indicator blocks, you can try the “10p tyre test”. It’s an old school tyre check test, but still one of the quickest and cheapest ways to tyre check the condition of your tires.
To tyre check the depth, simply place the 10p into the tyre tread, and if the tread covers the ring of dots on the 10p, then your tyre’s are legal.
Tyre Pressure
Although tyre tread is important, it equally essential to tyre check and ensure your tyre’s are correctly inflated to the right pressure.
Apart from giving your car less grip on the road, under inflated tyres will wear at the edges, and over inflated tyres will wear in the centers.
Tyre check for damage, bulges on the tyre are clear indicator that something is not quite as it should be. Also as a heads up, keep an eye out for any objects that may have punctured the tyre. But if you’re in doubt, and you need helping hand feel free to get in touch, we’d love to help.
To your vehicle health
By Philip Xavier